5 Simple Steps to Improve Your Sleep

Steps to Improve Sleep

Quality sleep is crucial to maintaining our mental and physical health. If you are having trouble with sleep, try these simple strategies. Not to worry if you don’t see improvements right away, healthy sleep takes time and practice.


Wake up at the same time every morning and start your bedtime routine at the same time every night. Try reading a book or drinking a cup of herbal tea. Be sure that you are getting enough sunlight during the day and close your curtains at night.


Let’s face it, beds are made for one thing only: sleep! Keep your work to a desk (outside your room) and try not to nap during the day. No cellphone, tablet, or TV use before bed. That’s right, unplug and disconnect no matter how painful that sounds. 

Be mindful of what you eat.

I hate to break it to you, but caffeine is a stimulant and drinking it at night is not helpful. Neither is alcohol or nicotine, so lay off. Heavy meals late at night will also set your digestive system into full force. A light healthy snack on the other hand may improve your sleep. Just stay away from heavy, spicy, or sugar-based snacks.


Exercise regularly during the week and use bedtime to relax. Practice deep breathing or meditation. Maybe even splurge on a diffuser. Do you smell lavender?


If you can’t fall asleep after 30 minutes, get out of bed and do something boring (like reading the dictionary. Do people still own these?).


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